

vividly造句简单 2023-12-04 20:11 999 墨鱼


15、Gossip, worthless, waste time, delay others, do notgossip, do not askgossip, affect life, delay the future. 16、Avoid being entrenched in foolis原句:I was kinda hoping that wouldn't be an issue. 我希望这不是问题回到家中,Monica要去约会

I have no time to engage ingossip. 我无暇闲聊。The Palace won't like all thisgossip. 国王不会喜欢这些流言蜚语的。There has been muchgossipin political circles1. You shouldn't listen to gossip. 你不应该听流言蜚语。2. She is an old gossip. 她是一个长舌妇。3. gossip的意思3. She had a gossip with her neighbor. 她与邻居

(老友记还有BBT感觉对白还是剧作感比较重,虽然是生活化场景,但是并不自然。Gossip Girl的语料也很好,但语速较快,不太适合一开始就拿来当素材) (评论补充陈权11、Overnight, the gossip begins to mutate into headlines. 一夜之间,流言蜚语开始变成头条新闻了。12、I'm a realist—I know you can't change people overnight. 我是

1、《老友记》《老友记》的故事发生在纽约,一群朋友间的对话比较简单也很日常,发音都是相对标准的美音1. Keep away from the edge of the cliff, it's dangerous. 2. I always keep away from people who gossip. 3. Keep away from junk food if you want to stay healthy. 4

1、Do you think gossip can be used for something good?While gossip is often associated with negative connotations, it can be used for something good in certain contexts绯闻造句【绯闻fēi wén】桃色新闻:影坛~。相似词:一、其实我从来不认为自己有什么绯闻,芝麻大小的事,总会被渲染成西瓜。可是芝麻就是芝麻,不会被榨出西瓜汁的。二、再炒作


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