

boy toy发音同类 2023-11-30 20:02 184 墨鱼
boy toy发音同类


5.great——good 5、同音词:1.totootwo 2.rightwrite 3.noknow 4.forfour 5.hearhere 6.Ieye 7.see(C)sea 8.sonsun 9.be(B)bee 10.theretheir 11.Uyou 12.Ywdo not(缩写)10.buy(同音词) 2六、按要求写出下列单词的各种形式。10分)1.thin(反义词)2.children(单数)3.toy(复数)4.let's(完整形式)5.too(同音词)6.small(反义词)7.box(

˙﹏˙ 1.反义词:warmafraidnewsweet2.复数:mousewolfdishtoy3.同音词:wearrightmeethere 答案【解析】1. cool brave old bitter 2. mice wolves dishes toys 3. where write meat 5. great——good 5、同音词:1. to too 、two 2. right write 3. no know 4. for four 5. hear here 6. I eye 7. see (C) sea 8. son sun 9. be (B) bee 10. there their 11. U

8.同音词1)two–too 2)I–eye 3)know–no 4)buy–by 5)where–wear 6)sea–see 7)four–for 8)son–sun 9)be–bee 10)hear–here 11)our–hour 12)meet–meat同音词toy

(同音词)twotoycar(复数)toycarsHe's(完全形式)He(缩略形式)They're(复数)those(对应词)those(缩略形式)can't:Z&xx&k.Com]来源美好的)nice【分析】图书馆)library快乐fun盒你好,很高兴为您解答,toy的同音词是joy。toy玩具英[tɔɪ]美[tɔɪ]n.玩具;玩物;玩意儿;adj.玩具的;作玩具的;个头很小的;小体型品种的;例句He whittled the pi

按关键词阅读:练习小学英语辨析近义词反义词同音词28、A toy bear.5. Su Hai and Su Yang .A. want some presents B. like their presents C. give som你是说下面的部分同音吗?这些词貌似没有完全同音的词呀。th- this there these therefore those thus then th- think thin thank thankful thick thief thing ou-


标签: toys谐音



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