
want out翻译,中文翻译

have a wish翻译 2023-12-29 23:34 300 墨鱼
have a wish翻译

want out翻译,中文翻译

want out的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:参考翻译想要出去want out的用法和样例:例句I can't stand this job a minute longer, I want out“want out”的中文翻译词典解释固定词组ph. 1. 【口】想要进去(出去);有意加入(或脱离)某计划等相关词语wantout

want out 美英网络想要出去;解除第三人称单数:wants out现在分词:wanting out过去式:wanted out 英英网络释义na. 1. towishtoleaveaplace 2. towishtoleaveasituationorSynonym: look out on look out over look across 数据来源:WordNet 双语例句全部忽略视而不见俯视眺望1 You cannot live in a cocoon and overlook these facts

want out 听听怎么读英[wɔnt aut] 美[wɑnt aʊt] 是什么意思释义想要出去;希望解脱出来;学习怎么用双语例句I can't stand this job a minute longer, I want out."Want out" 翻译成中文可以是"想要离开"或者"想要出去"。这个短语可以用于不同的情境,下面是一些例句来帮助理解和运用这个表达:1. I've been working at this company for t

汉语翻译想要出去例句:I can't stand this job a minute longer, I want out. 这工作我一分钟也干不下去了。我不想再干了。Life is too unbearable, I want out! 生活太令Then get the hell out of here!I don't want you at my deathbed! 那就滚出这个鬼地方!我不想你呆在我的灵床旁边!Get out. 你滚吧Get out! 滚出去!And stay out! 滚出去!

want out怎么读:英[wɔnt aut] 美[wɑnt aʊt] want out是什么意思:想要出去;希望解脱出来与want out相关的英语单词:1,zip是什么意思,zip怎么读?2,wink是什么意思,wink怎么读?沪江词库精选want out是什么意思、英语单词推荐、中英文句子翻译、英语短语解除相似短语want out of 想从…离出去,想摆脱…want out 解除want in (out) 想要加入或退出in want 贫困,穷困


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