
googleplaygameservices,Google Mobile Service

谷歌playgames官网 2023-02-27 12:51 687 墨鱼

googleplaygameservices,Google Mobile Service

ˋ0ˊ Paste the game resources into the plugin setup dialog Back in Unity, open the setup dialogWindow > Google Play Games > Setup > Android Setup Enter the directory to s谷歌play服务框架2022最新版本说明:如果您解除安装Google Play 服务,可能会使部分应用程序无法正常运作,建议您保留这项元件谷歌play服务框架2022最新版本功能特色:1、预装在Andr

In my case, when I've linked my app (not yet published) to my Google Play Game Services project, the Certificate Fingerprint auto-selected by GoogleThis will make it the default // implementation of Social.Active PlayGamesPlatform.Activate(); // Sign in to Google Play Games mAuthenticating = tru

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