

用analyze造句 2023-12-12 03:26 684 墨鱼


用mostly造句1. He mostly eats vegetarian meals but occasionally indulges in meat dishes. 2. Our team was mostly comprised of young and talented individuals. 3. T1、ShavenbandBprovenbaremostlyused adjectivally 2、Somalia ismostlydesert. 3、It wasmostlyillusion. 4、mostlyfreshwater protozoa. 5、But that'smostl

1、Some consist mostly of blue stars and puffy clouds of gas, but little dust.有些主要由蓝星和蓬松的气体云组成,几乎没有尘埃。2、His family was "old Mississippi,"Mostly i'm just middle-aged.大体上说,我只是人到中年了。mostly black African weaverbird.多是黑色的非洲织巢鸟。I'm mostly running on adrenaline.我基本上是靠肾上腺

1. Timothy was crying,mostlyfrom exhaustion, and his nose was running. 由于太累了,蒂莫西哭的一把鼻涕一把泪。来自柯林斯例句2. 1.4 million council homes have been1. The audience consistedmostlyof women. 观众多数是妇女。2. mostly 2. Lizards livemostlyin warm climates. 蜥蜴主要生长在气候温暖的地方。3. 3. We aremostlyout on

We're mostly out on Sundays. 我们星期天一般不在家。牛津词典I am working with mostly highly motivated people 和我共事的人大多积极性极高。柯林斯高阶英语词典C1.Mostlythey fought to protect sugar . 他们多半是为了糖而冲锋陷阵。2." proven " ismostlyused adjectivally . “Proven”多用作形容词。3.They aremostlyvisiting sci

∩▽∩ 1、The audience at the concert was mostly made up of teenage girls.音乐会的观众大多是青少年女孩子。2、I most14. Ersatz coffee made mostly of chicory. 主要是用菊苣做成的代用咖啡。15. This is mostly in the Southwest? 主要集中在西南?16. Mostly by not allowing yourself to


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