
asksbforsth造句简单,ask for造句

ask sb 2023-08-28 22:03 618 墨鱼
ask sb

asksbforsth造句简单,ask for造句

●△● ask sb for sth怎么造句子【一】1 . 长城宛如一条蜿蜒盘旋的长龙。2 . 这棵大树屹立在山头,勇敢地面对狂风暴雨,毫无畏惧。3 . 路上的车宛如一条长龙,其实宛ask sb sth ask sb to do sth ask sb for sth 相关知识点:试题来源:解析ask sb sth 问某人某事ask sb to do sth 让某人做某事ask sb for sth 问某人某事ask sb for sth 和

╯▂╰ 21. make sb do sth 使某人做某事His brother often makes him stay in the sun. 他哥哥经常让他晒太阳。22. let sb do sth 让某人做某事Let me sing a son1 "ask sb for sth"是"ask someone for something"是简写。ask"指询问、请求"someone"指某人、something"指某事。 2 "ask sb for sth"是一种表示你正在

ask for 有索要,请求的意思比如ask for a heip 就是请求帮助ask sb to do sth是让某人做某事的意思. 比如:my teach asked me to finish the task tomorrow ask sb for sth是向某人索要某物。例句:He asked me for money .他向我要钱了。扩展资料I ask my mother for money . 我问我妈妈拿钱了。He asks me for help

ask for a heip 就是请求帮助ask sb to do sth是让某人做某事的意思. I can't answer this question , so I plan to ask my teacher for help.(我无法回答这1、He never speaks to me other than to ask for sth。他除了向我要东西,从不跟我说话。2、I ask him to do that. ask for sth。请求,要求某样东西。3、ask for , ask sb. for

ask sb for sth是向某人索要某物。ask sb for sth = ask sb.to do sth,ask for 有索要,请求的意思,比如ask for a help 就是请求帮助ask sb to do sth。扩展资料例句:If ask for sth.要……东西;ask sb. for sth.向某人要……东西;ask sb. for doing sth.要求某人做……事情。扩展资料ask for的用法介绍:请求,要求;寻找:1、请


标签: ask for造句



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