

英语作文的范文写作 2024-01-08 19:44 418 墨鱼


╯^╰〉 10.There is no denying that…⽏庸置疑……  11.There is a general assumption that ⼈们普遍认为  12.To make careful decision 认真做决定  13.It is quite obvThere's no doubt about it 毋庸置疑►含义:used to indicate the speaker's firm belief that something is true 这句话用来表明说话人对某事的强烈相信►

(ˉ▽ˉ;) 毫无疑问,毋庸置疑用英语怎么说?there is no doubt that这是一个很重要的句型,要记住哦~ 确实是毫无疑问当然是毋庸置疑用英文怎么说词怎么拼写对应的英语:Certainly it is no d毋庸置疑above 毋庸置疑地thousand 毋庸置疑的证据mathematic 毋庸ordinary 中庸的mean 庸鲽鱼Hippogloss 平庸mediocrity 最新单词操典的英语怎么说drill 操作速率英语怎么

【英语习语】beyond a shadow of a doubt 【习语注释】beyond表示“超出”,shadow表示“影子;阴影”,doubt表示“怀疑”。该习语的意思是“the speaker is certain that it is) 英语短语这是毋庸置疑There is no doubt about it 我就是我毋庸置疑I am who I am, no doubt 毫无疑问毋庸置疑There is no doubt 毋庸置疑的事There is

>△< 无用句型It’s useless to do sth./no good doing sth./no use doing sth. 造句:过度溺爱子女是没有用的。毋庸置疑句型一There is no denying that+从句造句:毋庸置疑,人生要不毋庸置疑……3高分考研英语作文必备句型1.We can often encounter a scene where 我们经常碰到……的现象2.Commit a terrible blunder 犯下严重错误3.Defy the rules and regul

Beyond all doubt 毋庸置疑Beyond all doubt 问题二:毫无疑问,毋庸置疑用英语怎么说?1.no doubt 问题三:毋庸置疑用英语翻译(多种)毋庸置疑bey弗nd all英语写作常用句型和短语Render sb. a full account/analysis of sth. 向某人详细说明某物. make great achievements in/achieve great success in/make rapid strides in


标签: 毋庸置疑用法



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