

advance造句简单 2023-09-30 20:57 187 墨鱼


I left as early as it was consistent with politeness. 我在不失礼的情况下提前离去了。The last five years have seen a consistent improvement in the country's econoconsistent英语造句,1、However, market analysis is not the path to consistent results.然而,市场分析不是通向持续一致收益的道路。2、We said soft

比较级:more consistent; 最高级:most consistent; 副词:consistently; 实用场景例句全部一致的连续的坚持的He has been Milan'smostconsistentplayer this season. 他consistent造句1、However, market analysis is not the path to consistent results. 然而,市场分析不是通向持续一致收益的道路。2、We said software performance would

˙ω˙ consistent造句复制1、Graham is so solidlyconsistent.(格雷厄姆非常可靠稳定。2、Interestingly, they also show aconsistentpattern of nest care by the male.(有趣单词consistent 例句大全,用单词consistent造句:localconsistentapproximation. 局部协调逼近He is notconsistentin his action. 他的行动前后不一致。Close service is o

practiesdoingsth造句简单篇一:练习做某事对于技能的提高非常重要。在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到需要练习做某事的情况。比如,如果我们想要学会弹奏乐器,我们必须持续不断1、surfaceconsistentwavelet processing 2、consistentasymptotically normal estimator 3、consistentin performance or behavior. 4、consistentuniformly

1、It'sconsistent witha scalpel. 2、Beconsistent withyour evidence. 3、Everything isconsistent withit. 4、This observation isconsistent withMr Leesconsistent 相关例句形容词1. This statement is not consistent with what you said at yesterday's meeting. 这个说法与你昨天会上的发言不相符。2. What you say is no


标签: factor造句



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