
reduce to do 和doing区别,reduce的用法

stop to do和stop doing的区别 2023-02-08 16:48 798 墨鱼
stop to do和stop doing的区别

reduce to do 和doing区别,reduce的用法

way of doing that through its deployment configuration, the yaml file, so you can actually distribute the configuration, the environment variables to set on the respecgives the animal a piece of candy or a piece of fruit as a reward.The scientists say that many different animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs if they k

╯^╰ reduce,ri'dju:s],vt. 减少,分解。reduce是动词,注意to是介词,后面要接动名词doing。reduce常用句型:reduce sb. to doing sth. 使某人沦为做某事be reduce一、to do 和doing 是怎么来的首先我们先了解to do 和doing 是怎么来的。我们知道一个物体的生命有三个过程,“出生”、“存续”、“死亡”,一个动词的生命也有这三个过程,“出

有些动词后既可接to do,也可接doing,它们后接to do与doing在意思上有时有较大的差别。因为它们也是中考的常考点之一,因而我们应该搞清楚它们的区别。别说我没告诉你,中考英语必考t一个是正在进行时的,一个是即将要做的。

其实在英语中to doing 也是很常见的一种用法,在这里,to 是介词,to doing 是介宾结构。比如说:look forward to doing wth (盼望做……事情). I'm looking forward to seeinreduce是动词,注意to是介词,后面要接动名词:1、reduce sb. to doing sth. 使某人沦为做某事注意这里的to是介词2、be reduced to doing sth. 使某人沦为做某事注意这里的to也是


标签: reduce的用法



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