
come in,come in at

come down 2023-08-29 19:58 471 墨鱼
come down

come in,come in at

ˇ0ˇ English strawberries usually come in in late June. 英国草莓通常在六月下旬上市。Long hair for men came in in the sixties. 男子留长发在六十年代流行。If you want t单词发音:英[ kʌm in ] 美[ kʌm ɪn ] 基本解释:进来;到达;当选;赛跑等比赛中)取得(名次) come in 是什么意思及中文翻译:进来到达当选(赛跑等比赛中)取得(名次)

˙^˙ come in 美[kʌmɪn] 英na.进入;当选;上台;党派)组阁网络进来;请进;流行起来第三人称单数:comes in现在分词:coming in过去式:came in 英汉英英网络释义na. 1. 进入,进[英[kʌm in] 美[kʌm ɪn] ] come in的意思、解释come in 基本解释进来;到达;当选;(赛跑等比赛中)取得(名次) come in 相关例句ph. 1. The train has already come i

1 come in:进来;到达;流行起来2 例句:1. You may come in if you wish. 你想进来就进来吧。 2. Oh good, Tom's just come in. 嗯好,e on to开始;兴盛;对…轻薄,吃豆腐[口语]调戏(某人);显得对(某人)动了情欲;挑动情欲:come in on参加,加入come on in进来吧!这是比come in更随和友好的说法) come in1

come in基本解释进来;到达;当选;赛跑等比赛中)取得(名次) come in的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释This is where greece maycomein. 这也是希腊加入..e in 重复播放v. 进来,到达终点,流行起来,当选,(钱)到手英文解释动词:1. to come or go into;相似"the boat entered an area of shallow marshes"+ 看、听、说Co


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