
what is he does,what do you do

What does he do 2023-12-19 17:22 870 墨鱼
What does he do

what is he does,what do you do

what is he like和what does he like的区别:意思不同:What is he like?主要问他的品行性格怎么样。What does he like 问他的爱好,问他喜欢什么。扩展资料回答1、意思不同:What is he like?主要问他的品行性格怎么样。What does he like问他的爱好,问他喜欢什么;2、回答不同:回答what is he like主要从品行性格方面回答

1. What bothered Tiffany during an interview with her candidate? A) He just wouldn’t look her in the eye. B) He was slow in answering her questions. C) His resum解答一举报what is he do没有这种what is he doing他正在做什么?进行时)what does he do?他是做什么工作的?一般现在时) 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解

解析他们是同义句,他是干什么的.还可以说:What's his job 结果一题目What is he?与What does he do?的区别.意思好像都是在问他是做什么的答案他们是同义句,他是干什么在这种情况下,使用“What does he do?”表达方式就足够了。5. What is his occupation? 这句话的意思与“What is his job?”类似,非常简单明了。“Occupation”是“职业”或

does 是助动词,用于第三人称单数。这一句中what 是特殊疑问代词,you 是第二人称,该句应该是What is he doing? 他在干嘛?网络释义1. 他所做之事马)所给予他的承认,是基于他的功勋,也就是说,基于他所做之事(what he does),而非他之所是(what he is):城邦只…blog.sina.cn|基于4个网页


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