
eventhrough造句,get through造句

even if though 2022-12-25 00:43 231 墨鱼
even if though

eventhrough造句,get through造句

1.Even though we live in different cities, the bond of friendship has kept us close在困难(难熬,紧张)的时候吸一口气,甚至可以休息一下.difficult times=stressful times.

8、He didn't pass the test,even though(or though, although) he studied hard. 9、Smile though your heart is aching. Smileeven thoughit's breaking. 10No details can be seen, even through the largest telescopes on Earth. 在地球上即使用最大倍数的望远镜也看不清楚. 互联网6、We decided to paint on, even through

Even though she didn’t feel confident, she still performed. They walked through the haunted house even though they were terrified. eilax 2019年7月124、We will manage to accomplish the task in timeeven thoughit is difficult.(纵然任务艰巨,我们也要及时完成。25、She wouldn't change it,even thoughs

The search was abandoned when night came,even thoughthe child had not been found. 小孩虽未找到,但由于天色已晚,所以大家放弃了搜寻。Even thoughthe revolution of 19He will come on time even though it rains. 即使下雨,他還是會準時來的。Even if I have to walk all the way I'll get there. 即使一路走著去,我也得趕到

Even-aged stand mortality estimation through a two-step regression process.System for automatically transferring access authorization of third node to first node though和through 不押韵,这两个词跟也不押韵. -- 来源-- 英汉- 翻译参考[网络]好评(10)差评() 7.(即使B先生才智不凡,他也不夸耀自己。EventhoughMr. B possesses unique


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