
study造句简单,i study by造句

studies造句六年级 2023-02-09 11:24 712 墨鱼

study造句简单,i study by造句

用study造句子导读1.Shes got into Durham to study law.(她被录取到达勒姆大学学习法律。2.Quite a lot of South Americans study here.(相当多的南美洲人在study 的第三人称单数例句:She has edited the media studies quarterly, Screen. 她编选了这本媒体研究季刊&《银幕》。For the most part, they pursued studies in busin

1.使用关键词造句:This study is a randomized trial that investigates whether X therapy improved cognitive function in 40 dementia patients from 6 cstudy造句1、Study Design. Cadaverstudy. 2、chromatographicstudy 3、studyliterature 4、Study Design. Prospective cohortstudy. 5、Study Design. Prosp

+▽+ 用study造句简单六年级【七】1 . 金色的阳光穿过卷着的青草,荡起涟漪,就像涌进的潮水一样。2 . 一些看不到的手指,如?散的微风,把涟漪的声音轻拂上我心头。3 . 古木参天,峰峦环抱,单词study 例句大全,用单词study造句:Development and CharacteristicStudyof Library Work AndStudy 图书馆工作与研究发展历程与特色再研究Essence ofStudyof Heart IsStu

ˇ△ˇ study造句1、Shes got into Durham to study law. 2、Quite a lot of South Americans study here. 3.The study was published in this month's issue of the journal Pediastudy 造句/ 例句1. She was accepted tostudymusic. 她获准学习音乐。《牛津词典》2. Kids would rather play thanstudy. 孩子们宁愿玩而不愿学习。《柯林斯英汉双解大

I 【have to】stay at home this morning.这个早上我不得不呆在家里。以上的study造句「study造句简单小学」您了解吗?更多“study造句「study造句简单小学Mr.Smith is reading in his study.史密斯先生在书房内看书.For a year he studied Chinese with me


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