
In spite of造句,take part in造句简单

agricultural造句 2023-08-30 17:36 431 墨鱼

In spite of造句,take part in造句简单

5. In spite of what happened, he never lost the will to live 尽管如此遭遇,他从未丧失活下去的意志。6. The Derby will be run in spite of the bad weather. 尽管天气There isgoodinher,in spite ofher badreputation. 儘管她名聲不佳,她還是有善的一面。Theymanaged to hold the fieldin spite ofheavycasualties. 儘管傷亡重大,他們還是守

尽管;不管:不顾;虽然;不管等意思。常用的短语搭配有:in spite of oneself 不由自主地。用来造句为:Oliver smiled in spite of himself.奥利弗不由自主地笑了笑。2.despite含in spite of英语造句,1、He would go in spite of our warnings.他不听我们的劝告,执意要去。2、In spite of his illness, he clung tenaciously

?▂? In spite of his illness, he still went to school as usual.尽管生病了,他还是像往常一样上学.1、Adv. phr.in spite ofappearances; actually. 2、continue doing sthin spite ofdifficulties 3、in spite ofthat;nevertheless;even so 4、She flushed, t

≥△≤ in spite of造句复制1、in spite ofgreat peril, I have survived.(尽管危险巨大,我还是活了下来。2、in spite ofall these sufferings, he never despairs of living a better life.(尽管遭1、Adv. phr. inspite ofappearances; actually. 2、continue doing sth inspite ofdifficulties 3、She flushed, though, inspite ofherself. 4、He made som

In spite ofher friend's advice she persisted in her errors. 她不顾朋友的忠告,硬是坚持错误。英文例句大全为您提供in spite of英文例句大全,in spite of英文造句,关于inin spite of造句:1、In spite of great peril, I have survived。虽然处境非常危险,我还是挺过来了。2、In spite of my outward calm I was very shaken.我


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