
be linked with造句,keep fit造句

belined with 2023-12-29 18:10 183 墨鱼
belined with

be linked with造句,keep fit造句

+0+ be lined with造句1、The walls wouldbe lined withbooks and periodicals. 2、Copper pans shouldbe lined withsilver, nickel, or tin. 3、Eachbe lined wibeared with───有胡子的bearing with───忍受;宽容collided with───冲突dealing with───处理;对待landed with───使背上包袱双语使用场景Porto midfield

(2)The newspapers have linked his name with hers.(报纸报道把他和她的名字联系在一起<暗指他们有染>)(3)a new road to link (up) the two motorways(连接1. 和……相连接或联系2012届高n. 环节;纽带;联系,关系be linked with和……相连接或联系2. as sb. has pointed out,…正如某人所指出的那样…gkstk|基于

Aid to individual countries would be linked to progress towards democracy 对个别国家的援助会与其民主进程相挂钩。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》4 Doctors I'm sure we will be linked with a lot of players again. 我确信我们会再次联系很多球员。This may or may not be linked with other pay for play models. 这种方法可以,

ˋ^ˊ〉-# be closely linked with造句1、I believe you also desire tobe closely linked withthe whole world. 2、The study of granite must alsobe closely linked be linked with的用法和样例:例句Once his brain was linked with the computer, a man would undergo all experiences in the space. 一个人只要将自己的


标签: keep fit造句



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