
you make my day,madeyourday什么意思

you make my dawn 2022-12-24 20:21 267 墨鱼
you make my dawn

you make my day,madeyourday什么意思

\ _ / you made my day意思是“你让我的一天很美好”“你让我感到很开心。一般这种说法用来表达说话者的一种感谢之情,感谢他人的陪伴和帮助。看看老外聊天时怎么用make my day:A This moYou make my day的意思是:你让我很高兴make 读法英[meɪk] 美[meɪk]v.制造;做;组装;写;出产;制订;铺床n.(机器、设备等的)品牌,型号短语:1、

你就可以说:Thanks, you made my day! 2Call it a day = 今天就到这里吧!可以这样理解:因为工作完了,这一天就算结束了,才能算是完整的一天,所以说call it a day 就变成”结束今You make my day 因为有你Make me happy 让我开心So that I can 因此我会Take the sunshine take the rain 我会带走阳光带走雨露If I win or lose a game

You made my day=谢谢你,让我好受多了。可以这样理解:让我好受多了;这是今天最开心的事情。比如你今天迟到了,来到办公室还一大堆活儿,心情不太好。但是你同事问你:哎你最近有运动You Make My Day - Tom Hugo I'v have the feeling Walking with the thunder clouds To get the sky right over me Too many things to do But never really satisfied A glass would be half em

You make my day的意思:1.你(这么说)叫我非常高兴。2.你使我的生活特别有意义。3.今天你让我感觉好多了。4.你成全了我的日子。例句1.Gee, thanks. you make myAin't nothing's going my way You just turn around and make me smile You make my day" A love like ours was meant to be Cause I can clearly see Through the clouds above T


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