
need help with sth,give up

take a shower 2023-09-24 22:17 289 墨鱼
take a shower

need help with sth,give up

help的用法:help sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事;help sb. with sth.帮某人干某事;with the help of,在……帮助下;can't help doing sth.情不自禁做某事等。help用法举例1.help to help with的用法help with的用法:help with的中文含义为“用……来帮助”、“帮助某人做……”、“在某方面帮助”,作为介词的时候help with通常能够连用,后面可直接接sth,固定搭配

need help with sth的用法

4. Need help with something:需要在某事上寻求帮助。例如:I need help with my computer programming assignment.(我需要在我的计算机编程作业上寻求帮助。5. Can't mana网络释义1. 在……方面需要帮助小学六年级英语6. take bus xielw.cno. 5 坐5路车4.need help with…在……方面需要帮助5. run faster than…比……跑得…x

21. be covered with 被……所覆盖……22. be in (great) need of (很)需要23. be in trouble 处于困境中24. be glad to do sth 很高兴做某事25. be late 我来给你开门吧。Let sb. do sth.可以用来表达帮助他人做某事) 稍非正式3.Do you need (any) helpwiththat? 需要帮你做那个吗?need helpwithsth.或者need helpin doingsth.都可以

前者。后者help sb with sth意思是助某人一臂之力。第一个doing sth是你计划要做的事,后两个do sth是具体要做什么。这种并列都可以灵活对待,不愿意写两个,写一个也是没问题的。devote my passion to the societ

help sb (to)do sth help sb with sth 19、whose is this? 这是谁的?--It’s+名词性物主代词. 20、Are these +名词性物主代词?Module 2 1、play help with的用法:help with的中文含义为“用……来帮助”、“帮助某人做……”、“在某方面帮助”,作为介词的时候help with通常能够连用,后面可直接接sth,固定


标签: give up



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