

dusk什么意思 2023-12-26 12:21 783 墨鱼


1、Rabbits cavort in the paddock atdawn and dusk. 2、So he moved his herd constantly, during the night, atdawn and dusk, and even in broad daylightBill agreed and we all met in the great hall just before dusk.比尔同意了,于是我们都于傍晚前在大厅集合。The mansion in creeping dusk is clad, Someone up there is

4、Dusk is finefine rain of judah. 5、62 Fine feathers makes fine bird. 6、My knee feels fine. 7、I'm feeling fine. 8、A snack is fine. 9、What a fine needlework!Atdusk, a huge drum begins to beat. 在黄昏,一只巨大的鼓开始敲击。展开更多情景例句He was in theatre from dawn tilldusk. 他从早到晚都在手术室里忙碌。来自《一位年轻医

16.At dusk we pitched camp in the middle of nowhere. 黄昏时我们在遥远偏僻的地方搭起了帐篷。17.We were cut off in the middle of our conversation. 我们电话打到一半1、A wind arose after dusk. 2、Worried citizens stay at home after dusk. 3、We stand in the brilliance after dusk and begin to face the tranquility

例子就是他翻译杜樊川的《清明》,他把“借问酒家何处有”的“酒家”翻译成了Wine Shop,我当时就我He usually goes out for a walk at dusk.他通常在黄昏时出去散步。He works from dawn till dusk.他从天亮工作到天黑。We made a landfall at dusk after three weeks at se

ˇ^ˇ 今天我喜欢她已经两年多了,两年多之前的那个crush dusk我依然刻骨铭心,同样刻骨铭心的还有我躲在被窝里一边笑一边哭地写下这个回答第一句时心里的不知所措与幸福。喜欢的这两年我很1. He worked from dawn till dusk. 他从早工作到晚。2. It is difficult to see clearly at dust. 在黄昏时很难看清东西。3. dusk在线翻译3. She was invisible in the d


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