
upside down中文谐音,upside dowm

upsidedown中文歌词 2022-12-23 09:49 550 墨鱼

upside down中文谐音,upside dowm

upside down [ʌpsaɪd՝daun] 重复播放adv. 颠倒,混乱英文解释副词:1. in an inverted manner;例子"the box was lying on the floor upside down" 看、听、说Well, ketokei wo hazushi te konomama yura retai upside down break it up 自由が It’s my style () break it up じゆうが It’s my style break it up jiyuu ga it’s my style

upside-down音标['ʌpsaid'daun] 读音汉语翻译a. 颠倒的,乱七八糟的英语解释:形容词upside-down: being in such a position that top and bottom are reversed 同义词:iupside downad. 1.颠倒着;倒转着;乱七八糟;混乱upside down firing覆烧turn upside downv. 完全颠倒upside down motion倒动,倒转运动upside down prestressing jack反置

形容词:upside-down 英语解释:形容词upside down: being in such a position that top and bottom are reversed 同义词:inverted, upside-down 副词upside down: in an in5.Even if you plant the seedupside down,the roots will still growdown. 即使你把种子过来种,根须还是往下长。6.The car hit a wall, turnedupside down, and ended up i

英语中文turn[sth]upside down, turn[sth]upside-downv expr(invert)SC倒转,使…倒置,颠倒dào zhuǎn,shǐ dǎo zhì,diān dǎo TC顛倒I turned my bag upside down and Upside Down 是什么意思及中文翻译:[电影]翻天寻爱;逆世界;逆天奇缘Upside Down 大小写变形:upside down 包含Upside Down的单词更多> upside-down颠倒的包含Upside Down

“upside down”的中文翻译词典解释美音: ] 英音: ] 1. 乱七八糟;颠倒Everything in the room was turned upside down. 室内的一切都被搞得乱七八糟。相关词语upsided单词:upside down音标:,ʌpsaid 'daun] 读音upside down的发音:单词解释adj&adv上下翻转过来的(地);颠倒的(地);乱七八糟的(地) 与upside down 相关的例句Everythinginth


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