
a little bit造句简单,walk into造句简单

try doing sth造句简单 2023-09-29 15:00 735 墨鱼
try doing sth造句简单

a little bit造句简单,walk into造句简单

7. I just think you're getting a little bit above yourself. 我只是觉得你变得有点自视过高。8. Social services departments must accept, above all, the role of the paren类型英语造句1、Squint my eyes justa little bit.(让我稍微眯一下眼睛。2、These shoes area little bittoo tight.(这鞋有点儿紧。3、She atea little bit, and said a

a little bit造句复制1、Squint my eyes justa little bit.(让我稍微眯一下眼睛。2、These shoes area little bittoo tight.(这鞋有点儿紧。3、She atea little bit, a用a little造句用a little造句1. I only need a little bit of sugar for my coffee. 2. Can you give me a little more time to finish this project? 3. She was feeling

╯▽╰ 1、a bit和a little的中文意思相同。都可以表示“一点儿,少量”的意思。例句:There's room for another one if you move up a bit. 如果你挪开一点,这里还可以容纳多一个人。I hthe tasty of this soup is too plain, please adda little bitof salt. 这汤太咸了,请给添点水吧英文例句大全为您提供a little bit英文例句大全,a little bit英文造句,关

【a little bit】意思是【有点儿;一点儿】。双语例句Can you try and persuade the supplier to boost the quantity a little bit?能否请您去说服供货商稍微增20、If you really come to that day, I still hope you havea little bitof sadness,a little bitof loss,a little bitof thinking of me, as long as there

a little bit造句:(1)This is a little bit too difficult for me. 这对我来说有点难。2)Jack is a little bit selfish. 杰克有点自私。3)I speak a little bit of Frena bit of 有一点:There is a bit of a scholar.这里有一点墨水a few of 有些:A few of them know it.他们当中有少数人知道那件事. a


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