
add to用法例句,add to 的词意补充

add up的用法 2023-12-10 21:36 270 墨鱼
add up的用法

add to用法例句,add to 的词意补充

实用场景例句全部增加Such a book will notadd tothe author's credit. 这样的书不会给著者添增名声的吧. 期刊摘选Among them , presumably, are the kinds of discoveri例句:Flake the tuna and add to the sauce. 扩展资料add:v.增加;加添;加;补充说;继续说第三人称单数:adds现在分词:adding过去式:added过去分词:added a

add的用法例句The pupil could add and subtract but hadn't learned to divide. 这名小学生能做加法和减法,但还没学会做除法. 在此句中add表示做加法的意思1、Select add to add a second row of correlated data. 2、To add to without a limit-continually 3、Now we must add to these achievements. 4、This wil

add to storage加到存储器direct add直接相加指令相似单词addv. 1.[T][add sth (to sth)] 加,添,增加2.[T][add A to B; add A and B (together)]加3.[T][add sth (to s add 造句1、To open an L/C will add to the cost of our imports. 用信用证支付方式会增加我方进口货的成本。2、Add a teaspoon of vanilla extract to the juice. 在果汁

例句:Flake the tuna and add to the sauce. 扩展资料add:v.增加;加添;加;补充说;继续说第三人称单数:adds现在分词:adding过去式:added过去分词:added add 的过去式及其他时态:过去式:added 过去分词:added 现在分词:adding add 的用法:add 的用法1:add 既是普通用语,也是科技用语,主要指运用算术中的加

with的用法例句:1. Beauty is an attitude. It has nothing to do with age. 美是一种态度,与年龄无关。2. If you're not satisfied with the life you're living, don't just cobow用法例句1、We should not have to bow down to anyone. 我们不必向任何人示弱。2、Add a length of ribbon tied in a bow. 再用一段丝带,系个蝴蝶结。3、I untied the bow a


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