
suit one to do,do nothing

have to do with 2023-09-24 10:21 445 墨鱼
have to do with

suit one to do,do nothing

the capacityto visualize objects and to figure out numerical patternssuit作及物动词用,意为"适合",主要指颜色、衣着、发式、时间、口味、气候、条件、地位等适合某人。在表示"使……与……相配"、使适合于"之意时,常用suit sth

ゃōゃ 适合某人做某事suit sb.to do sth. 结果一题目适合某人做某事用英语怎么RT 答案适合某人做某事suit sb.to do sth. 结果二题目适合某人做某事用英语怎么RT 答案适合suit to do。suit是suitable 的动词形式,在表示"使?与?相配"、使适合于"之意时,常用suit sth to sb / sth。如:he suited his speech to the audience。

suit you to 对你再适合不过了suit somebody to 再合适不过了Suit colors to darker 西装的颜色以深色为宜suit production to demand 产需衔接suit sth to sb 使…适合某suit的用法2:suit有时也可指组成一副纸牌的“四种花色的牌中的任何一种”,即黑桃、红桃、梅花或方块,常用于follow suit短语中表示“跟出同样花色的牌”,引申可表示“跟着做,

+▽+ 网络对劲儿;称心合意网络释义1. 对劲儿Character - 寸劲儿[ skilful method]对劲儿[ be to one's liking;suit one] 铆劲儿[ make a sudden all-out effort] suit sb. to do,适合某人做某事civil suit 民事诉讼follow suit 仿效protective suits 防护服suit one's purpose 符合某人的目的Chinese tunic suit 中山装Tang suit 唐装sui


标签: do nothing



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