
the committee,would rather sb

committee谓语动词用单数吗 2023-08-27 12:06 978 墨鱼

the committee,would rather sb

流派:ROCK摇滚语种:英语发行时间:2021-07-16 唱片公司:Big Story Records 类型:Single 播放全部更多歌曲歌手时长1 The Committee 播放添加到歌单分享Big Story/Rosendo Prax..mittee member───委员organizing committee───组织委员会executive committee───[管理]执行委员会select committee───特别委员会(为某一特案组成的);n.为

The committee 这个委员会(它)所以后面谓语动词用三单形式:The committee has considered this matter.委员会审议了这个问题。最近您还没有任何观影记录移动端扫描下载客户端更多好电影手机随时看The Committee(1968) 奇幻|英国英国Peter S 导演Arthur 饰Himself Jimmy 饰Boss Paul J

表明commission比committee权力更大,不仅负责控制,还有find out的权力,这在英美通常是准司法权。两者最1. 委员会《迅速出击》有一集很有名,叫“委员会”(“The Committee”),是法院根据《防犯恐怖主义法》“Prevention of Terrorism Act”…academic.mediachina.net|基于64个

Thecommitteewas composed of professors and engineers. 委员会由教授和工程师组成. 《现代汉英综合大词典》At thecommitteemeeting the experts laid into each other fieThe Central Committee of the Party is elected for a term of five years. In the event that a National Congress is convened early or postponed, the te


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