
turn into sth,turn…into的区别

turn短语归纳大全 2023-12-22 19:21 987 墨鱼

turn into sth,turn…into的区别

turn sth into发音意思翻译把某物变成相似词语短语turn into───v.变成;进入;使)变成;译成;成为turn sth off───关掉某物spy into sth───侦查某事be tur2、turn into:侧重于转变成另一种形态。3、turn to:侧重于转换方向。turn into 变成,把变成turn into sth turn sth into sth turn sb into sth (通过魔法)变成;使变成turn

马丁柳美语正音#215,Turn into音频:00:0010:15合集#正音32个GOOD ENGLISH,GOOD VIBES,GOOD LIFE - 马丁柳美语正音#215 - ★★★ 🇺🇸Phrase of the day:Turn into Turn into sIn one year she turned from a problem child into a model student. 一年内,她从问题儿童变成了模范学生。turn sb/sth (from sth) into sth 使(从…变成Ten years of prison

turn into的意思是“变成”,用法例句有:Never let your persistence and passion turn into stubbornness and ignorance(永远不要让你的坚持和激情变成固执和无知)。扩展资turn …into 意指“使某物完全转变为另一种状况”,用法如下:(1) turn sth into sth:把某物变成某物例句:He turned the property into cash.他把财产都变成现金了。例句:My

turn into基本解释(使)变成;译成;成为网络释义1. 变成,成为2. 变成,变得3. 变成4. 变为5. 进入turn into的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释C必应词典为您提供turn-into-something-beautiful的释义,网络释义:是如此美丽脱俗而真实;使一切变得如此美丽;是如此的美丽脱俗而真实;


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