
a lot of sheep,a flock of

give ear 2023-12-28 23:53 652 墨鱼
give ear

a lot of sheep,a flock of

网络释义1. 许多绵羊a few children( 几个小孩)a lot of sheep(许多绵羊) a small / large number of ants( 少/ 大量蚂蚁) english312|基于2个网页释义:很多只羊的英语:A lot of sheep;sheepn. 羊,绵羊;胆小鬼例句:Have you tried counting sheep? 你试过数羊的方法吗?The priest sacrificed a sheep. 牧师献祭了一只羊。扩展资料Goat

It has really helped relieve a lot of study pressure。M: Sounds like just what I need。My main problem is that my study folder is full of notes andthere are a lot of sheep发音意思翻译有很多羊相似词语短语a lot of sheep───很多羊there are sheep───有羊there are a───有一个a lot of───adj.许多

很多只羊用英语:A lot of sheep; sheep n. 羊,绵羊;胆小鬼例句:The island is populated largely by sheep. 这个岛的主要生物是绵羊。The path was no better than a shee16.There are a lot of on the grass land. sheep-dog is sitting next to them.( )A.sheep, TheB.sheep, AC.sheeps, TheD.sheeps, A

第一,这是典型的There be句型,翻译时一定要翻译出“有”.be的选择看后面的名词的单复数.第二,a lot of "许多的,大量的",后面加复数名词或者不可数名词.第三,sheep Make a lot of mistakes, if not now, when? 这篇剧评可能有剧透我真是太爱这部剧了。已经好久没有一个剧让我这么的…emotional。这篇影评会很散,会重点写三个主角:Dawson(男), Joe


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