
present sb to sth,present的固定短语搭配

给某人颁发某物present 2023-12-02 13:10 880 墨鱼

present sb to sth,present的固定短语搭配

而本句子中结构就是:present sth to sb, 表示把sth 展示/揭示给某人。并不是双宾语结构变来;这里present sth to sb present sb with sth 这两个短语既可以译为赠送礼物给某人,还可以译为把某物呈现给某人,根据语境区分意思,这时present是动词,音标[pri'zent

答:我们认为present sb. sth. 好像是比较常见的表达法吧!应该是正确的。我们经常是说:present sth. to sb. 或者说present sb. with sth. (注:美式英语有1 present sb with sth=present sth to sbpresent sb with sth是个固定搭配,和sth关系不大。但是,改成for是不对的,应该是to,present sb with sth = present sth to sb。该短语

6. 表示“赠送”时为及物动词,常用词组为:present sth. to sb. =present sb. with sth. 把某物赠送给某人。例如:Our English teacher presented a book to me网络释义1. 把某物赠送给某人Be presented to 被赠送给Present sth to sb把某物赠送给某人Take sb some time to do sth 花了某人多长时间去做某事bbs.enfamily.cn

≥▂≤ present sb to do sth发音意思翻译让某人做某事相似词语短语enables sb to do sth───使某人能做某事warned sb to do sth───警告某人做某事ask sb to do sth─1.【答案】with【解析】present sb. with sth.=present sth. to sb.:把某物送给/颁发给/授予某人,固定搭配。例句:I will present you with a prize.=I will present a prize

1、present sb.with sth. 赠送某人某物2、at present 目前3、for the present 此时此刻4、She was too angry at the present moment to listen to reason. 此刻她正在气头上,根present sb with sth是个固定搭配,present sb with sth = present sth to sb 把某物赠送/呈现/颁发/呈献/提交给某人。例句I presented Lily with a book yesterday.我昨天送给莉


标签: present的固定短语搭配



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