
Make a fortune,make a fortune翻译成中文

debate 2023-12-04 12:12 331 墨鱼

Make a fortune,make a fortune翻译成中文

make a fortune的意思:发财,赚大钱Many people want to make a fortune by doing nothing, which is the reason make a fortune “make a fortune”的中文翻译词典解释美音: ] 英音: ] 1. 发迹,致富,发财He made a fortune in his youth. 他年轻时便已发迹。相关词语makeafortune

make a fortune基本解释赚大钱;发财网络释义1. 赚钱2. 发财致富make a fortune的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释As he colourfully predicted earmake a fortune 美英na.发财英汉na. 1. 发财例句释义:全部,发财更多例句筛选

We're not looking to make a fortune.我们没打算大赚一笔。Speculation is a dangerous way of trying to make fortune.做投机买卖是一种很危险的谋财之道。He is a good made a fortune发音意思翻译发财,赚大钱相似词语短语fortune───n.(Fortune)人名;英)福琼;法)福蒂纳;vi.偶然发生;n.财富;命运;运气;vt.给予财富make a fortune─

make a fortune 赚大钱eg:You' ll make a fortune out of it.你会从中发一笔财。make fortune 赚钱,发财eg:make fortune by commerce做生意发财Speculation i百度文库期刊文献图书make a fortune翻译【单词】make a fortune 【翻译】发财,赚大钱,发财致富;©2022 Baidu |由百度智能云提供计算服务| 使用百度前必读| 文库协议


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