
have you bought,we bought

bought过去分词 2023-09-26 11:45 895 墨鱼

have you bought,we bought

2. Have you bought shoes online? Yes. Because many sneakers are limited edition, they need to line up on the Internet. I don't like buying shoes onlMother:Haveyouboughtpresentsforyourfamilyandfriends? 你给家里人和朋友买礼品了吗?。tingclass 6. Haveyouboughtacompany, introduced anewproduct,stolenacompe

have you bought anything

Have you bought___ for Linda’s birthday? ---Not exactly.Just some flowers. A. something unusual B. anything unusual C. unusual something D. unusual something 试这个句子要问的是你有没有买些特别的东西送给Linda做生日礼物,have you bought .这个是一般疑问句,本来后面可以跟something 也可以跟anything,但是按照语境,这里

have you bought any garlic

这句话意思是对的,但是有两个小错。一是句子开头应该大写,have 应改为Have,另外apples后面应加一逗号,句子结尾1、Have you bought 解析:yet 是现在完成时的信号词,因此这里选Have you bought。2、has checked 解析:强调动作已经完成用现在完成时,因此这里选has checked,或者从字面上理解,

have you bought the book

˙ω˙ buy买;原形;bought买,过去式; have bought已经,买了,现在完成时;will buy将会买,一般将来时。根据上文“Have you bought any garlic?”及下文Yes.,可知下文是一般过去时态,have you bought 。。。?这个是一般疑问句,本来后面可以跟something 也可以跟anything,但是按照语境,这里用something;因为用anyting 的话强调的是有没有买


标签: we bought



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