
end up doing 例句,end up短语

catch up on用法 2023-09-24 12:36 918 墨鱼
catch up on用法

end up doing 例句,end up短语

1.end up doing sth最后做某事,停止做某事;2.end up with sth以…完毕;3.hold ones end up坚持下去,积极地作战。1end up双语例句1、If you go on like thiend up doing的造句和例句:1. But all he ended up doing was buying a charger然而他最后只是买了个手机充电器2. You ended up doing something you shouldn ' t你终于还

˙0˙ 1.end up doing sth. 最后做某事,停止做某事(即不再做某事) 例句:All our best intentions end up doing nothing. 我们最好的愿望(减肥成功)往往都会落空。2.end up with sth.以…告终”的意思。1、end up with sth以某事结束Our class ended up with astory .2、end up doing sth结束做某事

end(ended)up + doing sth/介词短语以为结束;终止做某事; 结束做某事今日例句:Did you know that Jack ended up marrying his secretary? 你知道吗?石头end up的用法归纳:end up doing sth,意为“最后/最终做某事”,end up with sth,意为“以…结束”。end up中文含义有“最终”、“结果”、“到头来”,通常指意

endupdoing造句简单endupdoing 1. I ended up doing my homework late into the night. 2. He ended up doing the dishes after dinner. 3. She ended up doing most of the 例句释义:全部,终止做某事,结束做某事,最后做某事,后面加动名词短语更多例句筛选1. If you think of it as a huge deal that is completely ruining your game, then cha

∪▂∪ 例句4:If you go on like this you'll end up in prison.如果你继续这样,早晚得进监狱。3. end up doing:以做某事结束。例句5:At first they hated each oend up doing sth结束做某事(即不再做某事)例如as long as you study hard ,you will end up failing the exam .只


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