

用buy造句 2023-12-11 11:12 693 墨鱼


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Today is a big day in my life. 今天是我生命中很重要的一天。His new song is great and I'd like to big it up. 他出的新歌太棒了,我愿意推荐它。Funding for the bigs No other country has as big a surplus . 没有哪个国家拥有如此庞大的盈余。But the big picture is clear . 但大的框架还是清楚的。There are also big political hurdle

1.She let out abigheavysigh; He uttered strange sounds that nobody could understand. 她发出一个沉重的叹息;他发出奇怪的任何人都听不。- 来源-- 汉英- 翻译参考好5. Yes, that’s a big issue. 是的,那是一个大问题。2.2 没听懂提问1)场景一,没听懂时,可以用Could you please paraphrase that question/topic? I’m not exactly sure what yo

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