
make them happy,make sb happy是什么结构

make me happy 2023-12-06 21:07 304 墨鱼
make me happy

make them happy,make sb happy是什么结构

当你的伴侣高兴时,你也可以分享你的喜悦,让他们感到高兴,得到掌声。When your partner is happy, you can also share your joy, make them happy and get applause. 当人们活着的make tea 是沏茶,后面直接带了一个宾语,而make them happy 这个词组里,是带了两个成分,一个是宾语,另一个是宾语补足语。这里make译作使让。让某人处

A mature and considerate person will accommodate your parents, chat with them, make them happy, make them feel comforted and happy 这个世界上没有捷径,天上不会掉馅饼,只1、make them happy的happy是形容词词性,具体内容如下。2、形容词(Adjective)是一种词类,主要用来描写或修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、状态、特征或属

Make them happy的中文意思:点击查看详细解释:Make them happy的中文翻译、Make them happy的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握Make them happy这个短语。someone who is kind tries to help people and make them happy or comfortable,and shows that they care about them.友好的,体贴的They were vey kind to us and let us stay

Make them happy 重点词汇高兴───happy;让───Give Way 双语使用场景She had ahappygirlhood.───她有个快乐的少女时代. He was sohappycommuning with the dolphin解释:整句是主谓结构,主语是人称代词I,谓语是cook,而不定式短语to make them happy 则在句中充当目的状语。句中的make 当然是动词词性(准确的说属于行为/


标签: make sb happy是什么结构



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