
get alongwith,get along with同义词

get along和get along with的区别 2023-04-01 06:27 515 墨鱼
get along和get along with的区别

get alongwith,get along with同义词

4、My brother and sister get along with each other.我弟弟和妹妹相处得很好。5、The ability to communicate well can help us get along with others.好的沟通能力有助于我们get along with 读音汉语翻译进展,走开英语解释:动词get along with: have smooth relations 同义词:get on with, get on, get along 例句:Can youget along withhim?

get along with 与某人和睦相处get along with 表示“与某人维持较好的关系”(have a friendly relationship with), along 后面可以加well,以起到强调作用。get along withv. 1.进展2.与…和睦相处get along/on with有进展,有进步;生活得,过得To Get along相处得好get well along with与人很好的相处along on因为be alongv.来到

get on with 含义与get along with相近,表示“进展或“与…相处”的意思。此外也还表示“继续做某事”的意思。例如He gets on slowly but fairly steadily with his work.他工发音:英[ɡet əˈlɒŋ wɪð] 美[ɡet əˈlɔːŋ wɪð] 该短语的意思是:与…和睦相处。如:It's impossible to get along with him. 翻译为:不可能跟他和睦相处。

˙△˙ get along with的意思、解释get along with 基本解释进展;与…和睦相处get along with 情景对话教育get along with的反义词A:So, what’s your educational backgrounGet along with 美英na.(工作)进行同义词反义词v. get on with,get on well with 英汉na. 1. (工作)进行,进步释义:全部,进行下载手机版必应词典iOS Windows Phone


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