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Lantern Festival celebrated in Lisbon---Chinese students and scholars studying in Portugal perform to celebrate the Lantern Festival in Lisbon on Feb. 11, 2017. Some 40Workers remove the scaffold of the big lantern placed on Tian'anmen Square to celebrate the upcoming National Day on Oct. 1st, in Beijing, capital o
Traditional Chinese lanterns light up the night to welcome the forthcoming Spring Festival and Lantern Festival in ancient Shandong town. The Lanterlantern festival during the 2017 G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany. The lantern show has been divided into five parts with different themes such as the folk customs of Spr
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语言:中文 大小:13MB 标签:热门漫画漫画阅读看漫画 ehviewer绿色版,一款非常良心的漫画阅读软件!如果你是漫画迷,请不要错过这个古老的绿色版本的ehviewer!使用...
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