

调音台中文说明书 2022-12-26 03:01 460 墨鱼


8125SD9ABE US-21 TS100 T1063SE AC-NSA AC110V PAK-12J AC110V PAK-21J AC110V N-200-S10 DV5-2-4-100S NR.C295CD-0524-462328 0.83KW KBHF4/63-4HS(4M) KBH3,8个Matrix也是全部立体声!要知道Digico SD9 的8个Matrix都只是单声道啊。4,每个通道的“门”,“

DiGiCo调音台稳定性高,在此类大型开幕式活动中有着强势的表现。其功能强大且能满足多通道输出/输入,实用性强;一切从使用者角度出发,为我们提供安全灵活的控制方式。音乐回放:SD9 SDIGICO SD9数字调音台中文说明书digico 数字调音台中文说明书。与digico SD8 控制方法基本相同Quick Select Function Buttons 15”Wideview Touch Screen Channel Controls USB Connection Sna

?ω? DIGICO SD9数字调音台中文说明书.pdf118zhuanqian个人认证| 2017-11-02 发布| 2.09 MB| 5页想预览更多内容,点击预览全文点击预览本文档(全文) 申明敬告:本站所有内容均由合作方DIGICO SD9数字调音台中文说明书HEAR THE FUTURE The future is here, and how. A compact, world-class digital mixing system at an exceptional price. Forget the limit

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ˇ▂ˇ Your mix is created on a bank of 24 full-length motorised faders with accompanying high resolution bar graph meters.You’ll love the SD9’s snapshot fexibility –DIGICO SD9数字调音台中文说明书of-the-line DiGiCo SD7 and is the sound of the console chosen for U2’s 360° Tour, The Killers’Get Six of the Best, Aerosmith To


标签: behringer调音台使用说明



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