

figure think区别 2024-01-04 11:29 191 墨鱼
figure think区别


figure ['figə] n.图形,数字,外形,体型,形状,人物,塑像,图表,(冰上表演动作的)花样v.是重要部分,认为,演算,领会到例句与用法:John isn't here today.'Thatfigu在非正式英语中,figure可表示“认为”“料想”,这时多接that从句作宾语,也可接以“to be/as+) n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。figure用作动词的用法例句

I like the color of the hat instead of its figure.虽然我喜欢这顶帽子的颜色,但我不喜欢它的形状。Mahatma Gandhi was both a political and a religious- He figures that they will never agree to his proposal.(他认为他们永远不会同意他的提议。 She figures out the daily household expenses carefully.(她认真计算家庭

figure['fiɡə] [网页划词已开启] 英汉解释n. 数字;人物;图形;价格;人的)体形;画像vi. 计算;出现;扮演角色vt. 计算;认为;描绘;象征同义词n.digit,fig,flesh,name v.co我们认为,明智的做法是等待。9、We figured the attendance at 150 000. 我们估计有15万人参加。10、It would be very nice if we had a true figure of how

figure造句复制1、I can'tfigureout how to do this.(我弄不懂怎样做这件事。2、He remains a toweringfigurein rock and roll.(他仍是摇滚乐界的一位杰出人物。3、She25、A full-figurefashion show in New York.

˙﹏˙ v.认为;是重要部分;是…的部分;计算(数量或成本) 网络数字;外形;形状复数:figures现在分词:figuring过去式:figured 搭配同义词反义词adj.+n. slim Figure,slender Figurefigure的过去式例句:1. He figured up the balance in their checking account. 他算出了他们活期存款账户上的余额总和。2. I have figured out how much during the week


标签: overseas造句



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