
turn out的用法及造句,turn out中文翻译

turn αround英语怎么说 2023-12-04 11:48 636 墨鱼
turn αround英语怎么说

turn out的用法及造句,turn out中文翻译

1. All the students turned out for the Christmas concert. 耶诞音乐会,所有学生都出席了。turn out 情景对话表达思想和观点A:Have you made a decision about your job turn out在英语表达中,含义多为:结果是;生产;出现;关闭;翻转;证明是。除此之外还可以表达为:使向外弯曲,关上,制造,驱逐,解雇等含义。turn out 词汇搭配turn out to grass 放牧(

turn out的用法和例句1、证明是,原是;结果发现。It turns out to be true.事实证明是真的。2、……变得……Everything will turn out well.一切会好起来。3、生产;制造。5. I was positive things were going toturnoutfine. 我当时就确信事情最终会好起来。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》6. Remember toturnoutthe lights when you go to bed. 临

1、证明是,原是;结果发现。It turns out to be true.事实证明是真的。2、……变得……Everything will turn out well.一切会好起来。3、生产;制造。The facto英汉英英turnout 显示所有例句n. 1. 出席人数;到场人数the number of people who attend a particular event 2. 投票人数the number of people who vote in a particular

turn out用法(物作主语)turn out:“结果是,被证明是”,多用过去时态.用法为:turn out + (to be)+ adj/nturn out(以某种方式)发生;最后是;结果是;尤指天气突然1、结果是;证明是The party turned out to be very successful.晚会结果开得很成功。2、打扫You should turn out


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