
coming down with,comedowmwith

break down 2022-12-25 07:29 140 墨鱼
break down

coming down with,comedowmwith

美语常用说法,指感觉要生病了,通常都是感冒(COLD)或流感(FLU)之类的病,以上答案只有胡萝卜馅饺子的第二句,I am coming down with the Fluing down with 是一个非常地道好用的词组,表示我要生xx病了。比如,I am coming down with a cold/ a cough.第三句,I am calling in

╯▽╰ come down withsomething phrasal verbwithcomeverb uk /kʌm/us /kʌm/ came|come B2 tostarttosufferfrom anillness,especiallyone that is notserious: IthinkI'm coming ..e down with 得(传染性的病), 感染例句与用法:The boy has come down with influenza. 男孩染上了流行性感冒。It sounds like you're coming down with the flu. Let

with•Severalmonitorshavecome down withheatrashand heatstrokethissummer.•She startedcoming down withit when we were on our businesstrip,arrangingthisweekend.•Sh..e down with基本解释付钱,染上(病) 网络释义1. 感染疾病2. 病倒3. 得病come down with的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释And he just happens t

1.It sounds like you'recomingdownwiththe flu.Let me take your temperature. 听起来好象你感染到流行感冒了,让我量量你的体温。- 来源-- 汉英- 翻译参考好评(12)差评()#scshutdown -g0 -yMay 2 10:32:57 phys-schost-1 cl_runtime: WARNING: CMM: Monitoring disabled. root@phys-schost-1# INIT: New run level: 0 The system is coming down

∩﹏∩ come down v. 下降,跌落;下(雨等);潦倒;就…达成一致;离开(学校);(吸毒、醉酒后)清醒过来come down on v.惩罚,索取处罚,批评come down to 流传下来;压缩为,归结为,简化为;从某地来到另一处She came down with measles. I think I may be coming down with a cold.Dictionary Entries Near come down with come down to come down with come due See More Nearby Entries Cite this


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