

There are造句子5个 2024-01-03 19:51 168 墨鱼
There are造句子5个


∪△∪ there be句型是小学英语教学中的重要内容。表示某处存在某(物)人。基本结构为“there be +某物(某人)+某地(某时)”。be动词的单复数必须依主语的变化而变化There are some apples on the table.There are some books on the desk.There are some trees in front of the park.There are some hamburgers on the table

1. There is a cat on the roof. 屋顶上有一只猫。2. There are three apples on the table. 桌子上有三个苹果。3. There is a pencil in my pencil case. 我的文具盒里有因此我建议大家在造句时,先找到句子的主干(也就是主谓,主谓宾和主系表),一般找句子主干,优先找谓语动词,谓语动词前面的不就是主语嘛,主谓搞定了,主干也就搞定了。所以找主干的关键

There are many benefits to learning a second language.(学习第二语言有很多好处。There are some people who believe that money can buy happiness.(有些人认为金钱能there造句1、There there are reasons. 2、There is nobody there. 3、Was there any hope there? 4、There are clumps there already. 5、There is a boo

Children under five have abundant energy partly becausethey take one or two naps daily.五岁以下的孩子精力充沛,部分原因在于他们每天打两次盹。造句:There is a river abun1、therewere fewer than twenty peoplethere.(那里有不到二十个人。2、theremay be other worlds outthere.(那里可能有其他星球。3、therewere six or seven of usthere


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