
sbdoingsth的短语,sb do sth的短语有哪些

胡老师英语教学方法 2023-08-27 13:28 806 墨鱼

sbdoingsth的短语,sb do sth的短语有哪些

后接doing sth的短语keep doing sth坚持做某事keep sb. doingsth使..-直做某事practice doing sth练习做某事look forward to doing sth 盼望、期待做某事be true to sth/sb 忠实于,信守打开网易新闻查看精彩图片She has always been true to herself. 她一贯坚持按自己的信念办事。be used to sth/doing sth 习惯于I'm not used

>▽< 11.enjoydoingsth.喜欢做某事12.escapedoingsth.逃脱做某事13.excuse(sb)doingsth.原谅(某人)做某事14.fancydoingsth.想要做某事15.finishdoingsth.完成做某事16.forbiddoingstDoing类短语9noticesbdosth感觉某人做了某事被动语态sbbenoticedtodosthnoticesbdoingsth注意到某人正在做某事Doing类短语Doing类短语1.allow doing sth允许做某事2.by d

12.find sb doing sth 发现某人正在做某事13.look through 浏览、查看look for寻找look over检查look at 看.. look like看起来像look after照顾look oustopsbdoingsth=stopsbfrom doing sth. 表示“阻止某人做某事”。bkzyk 4. Sb.Hearthesoundofsb.Doingsth. 某人听见某人做某事的声音。yingyufeng 5. watchsb

be true to sth/sb 忠实于,信守She has always been true to herself. 她一贯坚持按自己的信念办事。be used to sth/doing sth 习惯于I'm not used to eating so much at lunch(1)Look forward to doing sth期盼做某事.(2)see/I saw a girl dancing (3)hear/I hear you cleaning your room.我听见你正在打扫房间(4)feel /fell somebody doing sth (5)watch

keep sb doing sthkeep sb doing sth


标签: sb do sth的短语有哪些



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