
some people are,Many people

some people are in the picture 2023-08-28 15:42 534 墨鱼
some people are in the picture

some people are,Many people

>0< some people是单数还是复数复数。people表示是“人,人们”,谓语动词要用复数,后面是加are。一个名词如果表示一个或一样东西,它取单数形式。如果表示两个或更多的这类东西,则Why Some People Are Poor About 10 percent of the people in the United States are below the poverty line. Economists suggest several reasons. For one

网络有些人;一些人;某些人网络释义1. 有些人People | Chinese Dictionary 美国人American;American person;American people有些人some people几位several people把它和系动词am is are看作一个整体;完成时态的have has是助动词,后面的动词才是重点,也要把助

Some people arebased solely at their desk, others move throughout the office, while some employees need the freedom to work wherever they want. jabra jabra.coIt is easy to show that intelligence is to some extent something we are born with. The closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they are likel

看句子而定。如果句子中的people是民族的意思,那么some people的意思是某个民族,应该用is 如果句子中的people是人们的意思,则some people意思为一些人,表示复Everybody’s talking about the birthday cards we once made for you, which you rejected because they weren’t good enough. Funny how some people are convinced that Lulu

We also know that living through stressful life experiences—things we can't control—can accelerate aging: Some people are unlucky. But there's anAnd some people dance 梳理一下这些人物关系或许会很有意思,可以在若干年后快速回顾整部电影,然后看懂自己的评论1. Some people are born to sit by a river


标签: Many people



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