
Turn up,以turn开头的短语

Cut up 2023-12-07 21:05 983 墨鱼
Cut up

Turn up,以turn开头的短语

必应词典为您提供turnup的释义,美['tɜːnˌʌp],英['tɜːnʌp],na. 〈口〉突然出现的人;突发事件;骚动;斗殴;网络释义:裤角折边;挽脚;上弯;turnup 音标['tә:næp] 读音汉语翻译n. 翻起物,面朝上翻起的牌a. 翻起的,卷起的,翘起的英语解释:名词turnup: the lap consisting of a turned-back hem encircling

⊙▽⊙ turn up 读音汉语翻译开大,找到,发现,出现,突然发生,翻掘出,翘起,折起,卷起,拐入,使仰卧英语解释:名词turn up: the lap consisting of a turned-back hem encircturnup英音:['tə:nʌp] 美音:['tə:nʌp] 名词翻起物,面朝上翻起的牌副词翻起的,卷起的,翘起的英英释义the lap consisting of a turned-back hem encircling the end of the sleeve or leg

turn up基本解释开大;翻起;出现;尤指失去后偶然)被发现turn up的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释And most of those eyesturnupon friday and saturd英['tɜ:nʌp] 美['tɜnˌʌp] 释义n. 翻起物,卷起的部分adj. 被翻起的,被卷起的,翘起的点击人工翻译,了解更多人工释义实用场景例句全部The escapee'sturnupis expect


标签: 以turn开头的短语



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