
为什么very后面用often,not very often翻译

often放在动词什么位置 2023-09-24 11:47 307 墨鱼

为什么very后面用often,not very often翻译

5. -- What do you do often do in summer? 你在夏天经常做什么?-- I often go swimming. 我经常去游泳。6. Good job! 做得好!7. I like the trees. The coOften the seas were very rough and the journeys were not without peril. He was a medical missionary. She spoke of the depravity of the natives in a voice which no

The arrow yaws slightly as it leaves the bow, but usually recovers quickly and often produces very acceptable grouping. 许多射手都经历过以下一种或所有的箭散布/箭飞行组Jill:我更不明白的是,你为什么能一直这么淡定地坐在这儿?Jill: What I've often wondered about is how you can be so calm here? Jill:你就不担心警察之类

≥ω≤ very often如果觉得用often 还不能表达你想表达的“频度”,那就用very often,(You can say "very often" if we thought "often" was not enough.) 例句:Itve26.表示“非常,极其”→用more than代替very 例句I'mmore thanglad to learn that you are

very是很,often是频率副词,表示经常或频繁,very often 连在一起就是"很频繁"的意思308. often 经常,常常309. oil 油310. old 老的,旧的311. on 在……上面;关于312. once 一次,一度,从前;313. one 一(个,只……314. only 仅仅,只,才31

↓。υ。↓ 因为Because of后面附有名词或名词短语28.enough money/food足够的钱/食物Careful/cheapenough足够细致和便宜附注:enough的位置:名字前面的形状后面,即名时尚不是实惠,装饰品代表了你的形象,展示了你的个性。very often I don't drink coffee very often. 我并不常常喝咖啡。I don't lose my temper very often


标签: not very often翻译



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