
kickthesky怎么读,on the pear英语怎么读

again英语的正确发音 2024-01-03 22:00 671 墨鱼

kickthesky怎么读,on the pear英语怎么读

+▂+ B.kicktheballtotheotherteam C.movetheballtotheendofthefield D.throwtheballtothesky 3.Ifthemandoesnotmovetheballtenyards,___. A.histeamlosesapoint Bit's on the pear. 翻译:它在梨上。字幕:let's chant. 翻译:我们来说唱。字幕:j-j-j. jump up high. 翻译:“j-j-j”,跳得高。字幕:k-k-k. kick the sky

高高在上。9.theplanewasnosinghighupintothesky. 飞机正向上升入高空。10.theyarekeyeduptoahighpitchofexpectancy 他们非常激动地期待着。11.everyone,e天空骑士——Skyrider 《假面骑士Super1》假面骑士超一号——Super-1 《假面骑士ZX》假面骑士ZX——ZX 《假面骑士Black》假面骑士黑日——Black 《假面骑士Black RX》太阳之子

K-K-K. Kick the sky. “K-K-K”,向上踢L-L-L. Look and see. “L-L-L”,看一看,瞧一瞧M-M-M. Mum and me. “M-M-M”,妈妈和我。N-N-N. Let's chant againkick the sky发音意思翻译踢天空相似词语短语kick the bucket───死了;一命呜呼kick the habit───v.戒除嗜好;戒掉习惯pie in the sky───不能保证实现的诺言

· K-K-K. Kick the sky. · L-L-L. Look and see. · M-M-M. Mum and me. · N-N-N. Let’s chant again. · L-M-N.Let’s chant again. 怎么样?跟得上这个节奏吗?upThey shot the spaceship up into the sky.他们把飞船发射上天。shoot upward (v.+adv.)飞快上升rise rapidlyshoot upwardThe elevator shot upward.电梯飞快地


标签: on the pear英语怎么读



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