

beabouttowhen造句 2023-02-21 08:17 549 墨鱼


╯^╰ be good to造句1、But tobe good toyourself, and a good ranker. 2、Years urge people tobe good tothemselves. 3、Yes, it wouldbe good tosee it live. 410. be frightened to do sth 害怕去做某事Sam is frightened to ride a horse. 11. be glad/happy to do sth 高兴去做某事She is happy to clean the black

一、“be good at sth. ”和“be good at doing sth. ”表示“善于,擅长于(做)……”,“be good at sth. / doing sth. ”与“do well in sth. / doing sth. ”结构相同,使1、Sure thing, I'll be glad to do it for you.当然,我很乐于为你效劳。2、I'd be glad to do a good deed before

●▂● Be good to others and better to yourself. 对别人要好,对自己要更好。用be good at、be good with、be good for、be good to造句be good for 值得,有效;利于,有益于1.适于,网络做某事好;做…有好处;干什么事有好处网络释义1. 做某事好Unit 1 练习--相关文章She is very good to me.②be good to dosth做某事好例:angry at sth.7. miss:①

It'll be good to get back home again.能重新回到家里一定会很愉快的。These flowers are good to look at.这些花很好看。Would it be good to rub my feet with be good with造句please be good with your sister, don't make her cry. 你要好一点对你的妹妹,不要把她弄哭。he is very good with the children. 他与这

He would be a good father to my children. 对我的.孩子们来说,他会是个好父亲。It might be a good idea to tell your husband. 告诉你的丈夫不失为上策。It may also be a good例句:Why can't she be good to her sister? 译文:为什么她不能对她姐姐好点?


标签: besureabout例句



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