

能源学术英语1电子版 2023-12-27 22:37 548 墨鱼


能源学术英语综合教程1教师手册Unit2 TB 下载积分:899 内容提示:Unit 2 Energy and Technology Viewing and speaking Viewing 1 1)-c) 2)-a) 3)-b) 2 1 trenUnit 4 Energy and Sustainability Viewing and speaking Viewing 1 1-5: T F T F F 2 1 1990s 2 1.5 million; 27% 3 80%-95%; 50% ; 80% 4 35 billion 5 10 thousand 6 40%


能源学术英语综合教程1教师手册Unit4 TB.pdf,Unit 4 Energy and Sustainability Viewing and speaking Viewing 1 1-5: T F T F F 2 1 1990s 2 1.5 million; 27TechnologyViewingspeakingViewingtrend,householdsolarenergy,laundriessmartphone,standbymidnight,efficientlybalance,externalpowerTranscriptSmartEnergy

o(?""?o 能源学术英语综合教程1教师手册Unit1 TB.pdf,Unit 1 Energy and Daily Life Viewing and speaking Viewing 1 1-5: F T F F T 2 1) ferns, plants and trees 2)能源学术英语综合教程1 (赵秀凤)课后习题答案解析Unit 1 Energy and DaiIy Lifie VieWing and SPealdng VieWing 1-5: FTFFT 2 1) fbms, PlantS and trees 2)

学术综合英语unit1 课后答案罗立胜1、They were both born ___ March, 1 [单选题] * A. in(正确答案) B. at C. on D. since 2、John Smith is ___ of the three young me1、Unit 3Energy and EthicsViewing and speakingViewing1Around a quarter of the worlds population.A development charity.They hope to develop simple technology to fight po


标签: 学术综合英语unit7课后答案



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