
cook breakfast造句,swim造句

COOK怎么造句 2023-12-31 10:23 833 墨鱼

cook breakfast造句,swim造句

Cookingbreakfasthad reaved memuchoftime.Afteritwasready,it wastimefor me togo,otherwiseIwouldbelateforwork! 做饭占去了我好多时间,粥好了,我也该去上班了,不然我会迟4. I like to make breakfast because I like to cook. 我喜欢做早餐因为我喜欢烹调. 5. The children seem to have gone off cornflakes for breakfast. 孩子们似乎对玉米片

≥﹏≤ 1.make/cook breakfast 做早餐—I was too lazy tomake/cookbreakfast. —我懒得根本不想做早餐。2. skip breakfast 不吃早餐skip,可以做动词,也可以做名词,作及物动词的意思是“breakfast造句:1. I usually have breakfast at seven in the morning.我通常在早上七点吃早餐。2. The breakfast

肯定句:My mother cooks breakfast every morning.我妈妈每天早上煮早餐。否定句:My father doesn't cook breakfaThe Grange Boutique B & B and Motel 类型:B&B(bed&breakfast) 位于市中心,距离大教堂广场(Cathedral Square)、Christchurch Art Gallery TePuna of Waiwhetu艺术画廊和植物园(Botanical Gardens

?0? breakfast 单词cook breakfast简介单词cookbreakfast 音标[kʊk ˈbrekfəst] 读音翻译做早餐点击量1672次应用章节人教精通版小学英语六年级上册Unit1Iwant to cookbreakfast/lunch/dinner/ Idon’twant to cookbreakfast/lunch/dinner/ Ineed to

No no no, do breakfast 可不是做早餐,而是真正意义上的吃早餐哦What time do you do breakfast? 你几点吃早餐?那么做早餐我们一般用cook or make breakfastFor example举个栗子, cooked breakfast发音意思翻译熟食早餐相似词语短语breakfast───vt.为…供应早餐;n.早餐;早饭;vi.吃早餐cooked───adj.煮熟的;v.烹饪;被烧煮;篡改;伪造;非正式


标签: swim造句



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