
has后面能加the吗,has to后面加什么

athree 2023-08-28 17:56 987 墨鱼

has后面能加the吗,has to后面加什么

Has her water broke yet?1Ross: I don't know, but when I spoke to her, she said she had already passed the mucus plug.2(Joey makes a sound of absolute disgust.)Joey: Do has后面加动词的过去分词;名词。下面跟着小编来了解一下吧,has本身就是动词,英语当中除了有时候表示强调、省略连接词和一些固定句式用法之外,不能出现两个动词连用现象。例如:

形容词性物主代词放在名词前,不能单独使用,分别是my your his her its our your their; 名词性物主代词相当于形物加名词,它只能单独使用后面不好加名词,分别是mine yours his hers i序数词和通用序数词(the first/second、the last、the next.etc) The firstrose My secondreaction The nextmeeting The lastmeeting The nextmeetings 6. 只能与单数名词或不可

形容词性物主代词放在名词前,不能单独使用,分别是my your his her its our your their; 名词性物主代词相当于形物加名词,它只能单独使用后面不好加名词,分别是m是的,有些名词后面跟的动词形式是"have",而有些名词后面跟的动词形式是"has"。虽然这些名词后面都有定冠词"the",但它们所代表的主语的数和人称不同,导致动词形

has后面加a、an冠词。has:have 的第三人称单数现在时形式。扩展资料The country has a poor record on human rights. 这个国家人权记录不佳。The informationexperts和descriptions同样都被从句限定了,为什么前者不加the后者加the? experts from the Zoo这里后面已经限定得很清除了,所以不需要变成the experts from the Zoo。但是可以改为t

C. is being used D. has been used 7. While being questioned on the court, the man denied ___ the old lady’s necklace. A. having takenB. taking C. to have taken D. to 一般来说have / has 后面不直接加动词原形;当“有”讲时,后面加名词,如I have a book / She has a car;用作助动词,构成现在完成时时,后面加过去分词,如I hav


标签: has to后面加什么



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