

wrapped造句 2023-08-22 18:42 638 墨鱼


trap造句"trap"是什么意思The russians did, totrapnapoleon . 俄国人就搞过,叫拿破仑跌入陷阱。They weretrappedin the burning hotel . 他们被困在发生火灾的旅馆里。Ftrap造句复制1、Some women see marriage as atrap.(有些妇女把婚姻视作围城。2、I realized I'd walked into atrap.(我意识到自己稀里糊涂落入了陷阱。3、He seemed t

1、woven wire minnowtrap 2、bucket steamtrap 3、emulatortrapprocessor 4、greasetrapwaste grit 5、Write when the mood strikes or when you actually hatrap into (v.+prep.)【篇三】trap的⽤法例句  1. They walked right into a booby-trap and got blown to smithereens.  他们正好踩上了饵雷,结果被炸得粉⾝碎⾻。 

单词Trap 例句大全,用单词Trap造句:The doe could smell the hiding man. She was afraid of atrap. 母鹿察觉到有人藏着,她担心有陷阱。AllTrapped Miners Rescued in S. A英汉英英网络释义trap 显示所有例句n. 动物for animals 1. (捕捉动物的)陷阱,罗网,夹,捕捉器a piece of equipment for catching animals 计谋trick 2. 圈套;诡计a clever

if you choose this way,you’re likely to fall into a trap .如果你选择这条路,你很有可能会落入圈套。自主发现] ① be trapped in 困在……中;陷在……trap英语造句,1、The pockets trap more bacteria and food particles.这些囊状物会储存更多的细菌和食物颗粒。2、In the '60s, work was pitte

trap造句1. The mouse was caught in a trap. 2. The hunters set up a trap to catch a wild boar. 3. She fell into the trap of believing everything she heard. 4. He 单词trap into 例句大全,用单词trap into造句:You fell right into my trap. 你恰恰中了我的计。Have you fallen into this trap 你掉进过这个陷阱吗?You have fallen int


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