

connect…and造句简单 2023-12-15 13:00 389 墨鱼


╯^╰ 1.The canal was built to connect Sheffield with the Humber estuary. 修建这条运河是为了将设菲尔德和亨伯河河口连接起来。2.The fallopian tubes connect the ovaries wFirst,we need to connect the computer to the printer. 首先,我们需要把电脑连接到打印机。Internet enables us to connect the reality with virtuality. 互联网让我们能

connect造句:1、You can connect the speakers to your CD player.你可以将这些扬声器与你的激光唱机连接起来。2、I connected the wires for the transformer.我1. Two cables connect to each corner of the plate.两条电缆连到金属板的每个角上。2.If you stand on stage and share your view of the world, people will co

1、Go seek them out and connect with them. 把他们找出来并与他们取得联系。2、Connect with us, we will be there for you. 与我们连接,我们将在这里环绕你。3、As with an o用connect造句子初三(用connect造句)当时年少春衫薄精选回答1、Go seek them out and connect with them. 把他们找出来并与他们取得联系。2、有主动形式,

用connect造句加解释1 1.Two cables connect to each corner of the plate. 两条电缆连接到盘子的每个角落。2.The fallopian tubes connect the ovaries with the uterus. 输卵管4、connect with your high school and college alumni groups.(与你的高中或大学校友联系。5、Determine who you want toconnect with.(决定你想要与谁联系。6、Lastly,


标签: connect造句简单初中



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