
nuclear造句,Take away造句

scale造句 2023-09-24 17:47 438 墨鱼

nuclear造句,Take away造句

1、nuclearthreshold 2、nuclearexcursion 3、Disarmament ofnuclearweapons;nucleardisarmament 4、nuclearspin quantum number 5、nuclearpowered icebreake单词nuclear 例句大全,用单词nuclear造句:CONSTRUCTION OF EARTHQUAKE RESISTANCE PARTITION OFNUCLEARISLAND OF ANUCLEARPOWER PLANT 核电厂核岛厂房抗震隔墙施工Consider

造句:So many nuclear power plants in this city. Nuclear的英文解释:being or using the power produced when the nucleus of an atom is divided or joined to another nucleu如:solar,fossil fuel,coal,gas,hydropower,wind,nuclear,tidal,wave(太阳能、化石燃料,煤炭、天然气、水电、风能、核能、潮汐、波浪)等,最后将主题词biomass (生物能)引出来。这

9. One may not detonate a nuclear device in the city. 不可在该市引爆核子装置。10. World's Largest Nuclear Plant Closed fo. 世界最大核电站关闭数月。11. China wilnuclear造句1、Who is Resorting to Nuclear Threat?究竟是谁在搞核威胁?2、optical model of nuclear reaction核反应光学模型3、A: I have just stated our principled po

2. 核彈:核弹(Nuclear):核弹的伤害是跟对象的体积及血量关于,最终伤害效果受防御力影响,神族的盾当作大型单位算) 对小型单位造成的伤害为对方总HP量的1/4,最小伤害为250 对which, like Lake Champlain, is an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river.D

It's difficult to findprenuclearin a sentence. 用prenuclear造句挺难的接下来再看看用中文思考:Coal在澳大利亚涨了好多啊,而且是最重要的能源,然而在法国Nuclear Power是最


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